Scouting Fencing Taster Sessions, Courses & Master at Arms
Nigel Soar was involved with scouting his entire life, and when in 1988 he brought along members of his Venture Scout group to the club to join a beginner’s course, it began a thirty four year involvement in fencing. He was always deeply involved with the Junior Section and the club’s outreach work, delivering taster sessions and demonstrations for local groups to promote fencing. Because of his involvement in scouting, he was especially keen on delivering taster sessions and courses to scout groups, which he arranged, and in memory of him this is something that we continue to do.
We can provide scouts with a variety of opportunities to experience fencing.
The two hour one-off intensive taster sessions can introduce scouts to the most basic aspects of fencing, the equipment, how to stand, walk forwards and back, simple attack to various targets, attack with lunge and simple defence. They will also learn about the safety requirements and the basic rules and conventions.
The courses have at their core the taster session material but are longer and add extra time to improve what has been learnt, as well as adding ripostes, counter ripostes and compound attacks. The scouts can add to their knowledge the various roles in judging a fencing match, and take part in judging a fight, as well as having a fencing match.
We can also arrange for the scouts to cover all the requirements for them to earn their Master at Arms badge.