The Club

  • Adult epeeists testing their weapons before the start of a fight

The Club Adult and Junior Sections

The Club operates both Adult and Junior sections which run throughout the year in four terms. The Adult section operates on Thursday nights and is for those aged 16 to 65 plus, while the Junior section is on Monday nights and is for those 7 to 15. For all enquiries and details on the Club please either use our contact form or email below.  

Contact Form                    Email RGFC here

Club Members Photo Gallery

  • Director bringing sabreurs on guard


The weapons taught and fought at the club are:

The Sabre, in the modern Hungarian style, from the mid twentieth century. Using the characteristics of the cut and to a lesser degree the thrust. It also uses the convention of priority. Sabre is the practice weapon for the military Sabre and the third fencing weapon.

The Foil, in the classic French style of the mid twentieth century and using the traditional French grip. This weapon uses the characteristics of the thrust and finger play with the convention of priority. Foil is the practice weapon for the Small Sword and the first fencing weapon.

The Epee, in the modern Hungarian style and using the classic French grip. it uses the characteristics of the thrust and finger play but not the convention of priority. Epee is the practice weapon for the Rapier, the preferred duelling weapon, and the second fencing weapon.

Three weapon coach; Ian Lightbown

The Coach

Royal Greenwich’s senior coach, Ian Lightbown, has been coaching since 1988, and has attended and coached at a number of clubs since then.

In the mid-nineties he studied French foil at Ramsden fencing club under the Kent coach John McMahon, and the work of the classic French foil coach Roger Crosnier. During this time he also studied Hungarian epee under the Kent coach Peter Huggins, also at Ramsden, and has been influenced by the epee coach Terry Kingston. Between 1995 and 1998 he studied Hungarian sabre at the University of London Union fencing club, under the Hungarian Master and GB Olympic sabre coach Peter Frohlich, who coached the sabre finalist James Williams at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.

Ian has coached at a number of venues in London, Kent and Surrey, for clubs, schools, colleges and universities, as well as taster sessions for youth and scout groups, schools and boroughs. He has taught epee to members of the Kent Modern Pentathlon Team and Pentathlon GB Team, notably coaching Jack Legon on to a place on the Pentathlon GB Epee Team for international competition.

Junior Modern Pentathlon Team GB
Member Jack Legon RGFC 2003/4

The Adults Section (for those aged 16 to 65 plus)

The Adults section is for any adult who currently fences, has fenced, or wants to learn to fence. Current fencers can just join in, and past fencers can refresh their skills and ease back into the sport. Those wishing to start fencing can come and learn at their own pace, without any pressure and importantly have fun while doing so!

The Adult section offers fencers and beginners the opportunity to fence with the Sabre, French Foil and French Epee. Most of the adult fencers fence two or three weapons, and everyone can progress to a new weapon, if they wish. Adult beginners are provided with the entire minimum fencing safety equipment required. When they can fence they also have the use of the latest regulation equipment for the electric Sabre, Foil and Epee. Initially, adult beginners who have just completed a course and join as an adult fencing term member can borrow equipment for their first term as a fencer for free. After which they can hire equipment from the Club to use while they purchase all of their own equipment, but we do expect all adult members to purchase all their own equipment within a year of joining. While we expect members to purchase all their own equipment we can supply all the items necessary for them to start training and fighting with straight away.

The classes for adult fencers are held on Thursday evenings, between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm, in room 7 at Shrewsbury House. Directions to the venue can be found on our Location page  Location Here

Each term runs over ten weeks, not including weeks with bank holidays. The cost of the Adult Fencing Term is £80.00, with an early booking discount available. The Adult Beginners Taster Sessions and Course are £20.00 and £90.00 respectively. For our terms, tasters and courses we offer  concessions discounts. You can enquire about our next term, taster or course, make a booking or find out about payment options by emailing the above email address. Please note that attendance of the club is by prior arrangement only so course and term places must be booked in advance.

  • Adult sabreur makes an invitation to attack

Adult Term Start Dates for 2025

  • Term One starts Thursday 20th February 2025
  • Term Two starts Thursday 15th May 2025
  • Term Three starts Thursday 4th September 2025
  • Term Four starts Thursday 13th November 2025

The Juniors Section (for those aged 7 to 15)

  • The juniors warming up at the start of the session

The Juniors section is for any child who currently fences, has fenced, or wants to learn to fence. Current fencers can just join in, and past fencers can refresh their skills and ease back into the sport. Those wishing to start fencing can come and learn at their own pace, without any pressure and importantly have fun while doing so!

The primary weapon used in the Juniors Section is the Sabre. There is also the chance of trying out the Epee and Foil as well. The juniors are provided with the entire basic, minimum fencing safety equipment. When they can fence they have the use of the corresponding electric equipment for the electric Sabre, Foil and Epee.

The classes for junior fencers are held on Monday evenings, between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm, in room 7 at Shrewsbury House. Directions to the venue can be found on our Location page  Location Here

Each term runs over ten weeks, not including bank holidays. The cost of the Junior Fencing Term is £60.00, with an early booking discount and second sibling discount available. The Junior Beginners Course is £70.00, with an early booking discount and second sibling discount available. You can enquire about our next term or course, book a course or find out about payment options by emailing the above email address. Please note that attendance of the club is by prior arrangement only so course and term places must be booked in advance.

  • Juniors resting between training and fighting

Junior Term Start Dates for 2025

  • Term One starts Monday 17th February 2025
  • Term Two starts Monday 12th May 2025
  • Term Three starts Monday 1st September 2025
  • Term Four starts Monday 10th November 2025

As the Club operates a waiting list for membership, prospective members are asked to either use our contact form or email below, prior to their attendance, so that we can ensure that we have places available.

Contact Form                    Email RGFC here

Please be aware that attendance at the Club is by prior arrangement only.