How to Sign Up and Enrol

To enrol for a place on one of our Adult Beginner Fencing Courses or Tasters, first choose the Term date when you wish to start from the available dates below.

Current or Ex Fencers can choose a date to start, or contact the Club for a mutually convenient date.

Adult Course/Taster Dates for 2025                         Classes start at 8pm

  • Term One starts Thursday 20th February 2025
  • Term Two starts Thursday 15th May 2025
  • Term Three starts Thursday 4th September 2025
  • Term Four starts Thursday 13th November 2025

Our Course/Taster fees can be found via the Membership button below as well as in the Additional Details at the bottom of the page.

Our Enrolment, Statement, Terms and Conditions can also be found via the Membership button, and Welfare documentation via the Welfare button below.

Membership                     Welfare

To apply for a place on a Course/Taster or for membership of the Club as a Current or Ex Fencer, download and fill out the RGFC Club Form below, either in Word doc or Adobe pdf format, in full and omitting the BFA number.

 RGFC Form doc                     RGFC Form pdf

Or print it off, complete it, scan it in the same format and then email it to the address below.

Email RGFC

When you email the completed form to us to join a Course/Taster, please provide your height and chest measurement in inches and which hand you use, so that we can check that we have suitable equipment available for you during the sessions.

Once we receive your completed form we will send you our payment details.

After payment has been received, we will send back further information.

Additional Details


We run Courses/Tasters at the beginning of each term, dependant on the availability of spaces.

All our Adult section classes start at 8 pm on Thursday evenings and take place at Shrewsbury House Community Centre.

The Adult classes are for those aged sixteen to sixty-five plus and are run over ten weeks, (one term), with attendance of the Club being by prior arrangement only.

Each class is preceded by a light multi exercise warm up followed by demonstration, instruction and practice.

For the Beginner Courses/Tasters we supply all attendees with a set of basic fencing safety equipment for their use, this is included in the fee, and so that we have suitable equipment available for use during the sessions please provide your height and chest measurement in inches and which hand you use when contacting us.

The Course/Tasters will teach students the basics of fencing, comprising the stance, advancing and retreating, attacking and defending, with the Course expanding on the various moves, and with the opportunity later in the Course to spar using the Club’s equipment.

Beginners can initially take part in the first three classes of the Course as a Taster, costing just £30.00, where they can give fencing a go and decide if they like it before committing themselves to the full Course.

If after the Taster sessions you decide that you would like to carry on with the Course you can add an additional seven-weeks of sessions for £60.00, making a total of £90.00 for the full 10 week Course.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to commit straight away to a full Course from the start, the fee is just £90.00, and you can benefit from a £10.00 early booking discount for payments made more than three weeks in advance of the start of the term, the fee is then reduced to £80.00.

Once you have completed a Course, if you wish to join the Club as an Adult Fencing Term Member the Term fee is £80.00, and again we offer a £10.00 early booking discount.

Our Course/Taster also entitles beginners to a free 90-day introductory membership of the BFA, which includes insurance cover.


Please review the Club’s membership fees, enrolment, statement, terms and conditions and welfare documentation, which can be found by using the buttons above to ensure that they are all acceptable to you.

We do operate a dress code with adults being required to wear sports socks, sports trainers, loose fitting sports track suit trousers with zip, sewn up or no pockets, or fencing breeches and a crew neck T-Shirt. For those with long hair, hair must be tied up in a low ponytail so that it is gathered at the back and will fit under a fencing mask.

We do ask that attendees bring their own water bottle with them.


If after reviewing all of the documentation it is all acceptable to you and you wish to join a class, as per our Terms and Conditions and for insurance purposes you must complete the RGFC Club Form which can be found by using the buttons above, (in Word doc or Adobe pdf format), in full for each attendee omitting the BFA number, or print it off, complete it, and scan it in the same format and return it back to us by email as soon as possible and not less than seven days before the start date.

Please note that the form needs to be returned before payment instructions and other Club paperwork needing completion will be sent, and suitably sized safety equipment sorted out, all of which takes time and can’t be done the night before.

When we receive the completed form, we take it that in your sending it back to us you have read everything and agree to all our terms and conditions, we will then send back further information and our payment details.

If you have any questions or require clarification on the above please feel free to email us via the button above.

Please note that the club reserves the right at any time to change or amend these terms and conditions without prior notice.